sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

Can / Could Ejercicios interactivos 2ºESO

Puedo, sé / podía, sabía, pude, supe (3)

Ejercicio para 2º ESO.
(An exercise for Elementary students.)

Rellena los huecos con "can" o "could" y comprueba tus respuestas.
(Fill in all the gaps with "can" or "could", then check your answers.)
1. Bob , but he doesn't have a car. (drive)
2. When she was in school she farther than anyone else. (jump)
3. I Bill. (not / understand)
4. He football well when he was a kid. (play)
5. I this exercise yesterday. (not / do)
6. Ask Jim, he you. (help)
7. Some years ago I ten miles. (run)
8. He had hurt his leg, so he very well. (not / walk)
9. I her at her office at the moment. (not / contact)
10. I Bob on the corner. (see)

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